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arithmetic calculationの例文


  • Some languages support arbitrary-precision arithmetic calculations, for example.
  • They depict complex arithmetic calculations such as the areas of field-plots.
  • For some programs, it means all arithmetic calculations involving years will be wrong.
  • The key point is that there is an accepted hierarchy of operation when doing arithmetic calculations.
  • :: : You are misrepresenting this relationship they aren't performing functions as distinct from one another as arithmetic calculation and storage.
  • Scientists in Switzerland have invented an ultraminiature abacus, in which spherical carbon molecules sliding along microscopic copper grooves act as the counting beads for performing arithmetic calculations.
  • Printed three years after his treatise on the discovery of logarithms and in the same year as his death, it describes three devices to aid arithmetic calculations.
  • The processor was to be, in effect, an optical analog computer performing large-scale scalar arithmetic calculations in many channels ( with many light " rays " ) at once.
  • In other words, if you did one arithmetic calculation every second, nonstop, it would take you more than 31, 000 years to do what Option Red does in a second.
  • The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on an iron bars.
  • The system also supports the creation of data tables, the sorting of these data tables, arithmetic calculations using these data, and a mail-merge operation using these data and the arithmetic results.
  •  If [ we ] depend on the simple arithmetic calculation and put North Korean population as 20 million, we can assume that there should be about 25, 000 prostitutes in North Korea,  Ha told Sieff.
  • In 1979, Hehner invented a method of representing rational numbers with current University of Victoria professor Nigel Horspool called quote notation, which allows for easier arithmetic and produces no roundoff error in arithmetic calculations implementing a generalization of radix notation.
  • On arithmetic calculations, this year's PSBR is likely to come in at 25 billion pounds and next year's at 20 billion, " said Adam Cole, a U . K . economist at HSBC James Capel.
  • Statistical tolerance stackups evaluate the maximum and minimum values based on the absolute arithmetic calculation combined with some method for establishing likelihood of obtaining the maximum and minimum values, such as Root Sum Square ( RSS ) or Monte-Carlo methods.
  • The following are Gregorian minus Revised Julian date differences, calculated for the beginning of March in each century year, which is where differences arise or disappear, until 10000 AD . These are exact arithmetic calculations, not depending on any astronomy.
  • Miriam Shazeer, Noam's mother, said by phone from Swampscott, Mass . Noam taught himself to do arithmetic calculations when he was 3, using a rubber puzzle formed in concentric circles that could be divided into various fractions, Mrs . Shazeer said.
  • The first known tools used to aid arithmetic calculations were : bones ( used to tally items ), pebbles, and counting boards, and the abacus, known to have been used by Sumerians and Napier ), and the slide rule ( by Edmund Gunter ).
  • The exact arithmetic calculations required by a na飗e implementation of the Bentley Ottmann algorithm may require five times as many bits of precision as the input coordinates, but describe modifications to the algorithm that reduce the needed amount of precision to twice the number of bits as the input coordinates.
  • Because several such divisions may occur in an interval arithmetic calculation, it is sometimes useful to do the calculation with so-called " multi-intervals " of the form \ textstyle \ bigcup _ { i = 1 } ^ l [ x _ { i1 }, x _ { i2 } ].
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